Our Health Mission

We aim to improve the health of our patients and their carers by ensuring that we provide safe, effective, evidence based treatment supported by appropriately qualified and trained staff.

At Dr Bathla & Partners, our goal is to improve the holistic care of all our patients but especially those most vulnerable within our diverse population whilst treating them with respect and considering their cultural background at all times.

We aim to empower patients and their carers to control and manage their health, always supported by our qualified and well trained practice staff and other allied health professionals.

Non-urgent advice: Vision and values

With years of experience, our medical team will assess you and create a custom management plan that’s right for you. We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your body, so that you can heal quickly.

We Care

  • We want to be a friendly, caring and trusting practice that respects patients’ dignity and confidentiality. We aim to be a practice where patients feel equal regardless of their background, race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation and religious belief. 
  • We aim to put the “Patient First” by actively listening and acting on patients feedback (surveys, PPG, complaints etc). 
  • We want to deliver a service where safety and quality are top priorities, where the team can learn from mistakes in an open, non-blame culture. We continue to build a robust risk management process where patients and staff feel safe.